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Old Mon Jun 21, 2004, 02:20pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally posted by ysong
Thanks JRutledge for your insight.

I think my confusion is:
if a dribbler get his head and a shoulder past a defender's torso (with or without minor contact), does the defender still have the right to move laterally toward dribbler in an effort to cut off the dribbler but in fact, because the contact occurs, pushing dribbler out of his established path?

I would like to think the dribbler get to that space first, either by fake moves or faster moves, (otherwise he can not get pass his head and a shoulder without knocking the defender away), so it is the defender's fault to intensify the contact after it occurs. What do I miss here?
Once the dribbler gets head and shoulders past the defender, any contact by the defender that is from movement towards the dribbler is a foul on the defender.

A defender can NEVER be moving towards the opponent at the time of contact when considering block/charge.
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