here's the rule:
When on fourth down, before a change of team possession, a Team A fumble is caught or recovered in advance of the fumble by a Team A player other than the fumbler, the ball is dead and returned to the spot of the fumble. If the fumble is recovered behind the spot of the fumble by a Team A player other than the Team A fumbler, the ball is dead at that spot.
A similar wording appears for TRYs:
Before a change of team possession, a Team A player fumbles and the ball is caught or recovered by any Team Aplayer other than the fumbler. There is no Team A score (A.R. 8-3-2-IX-XI).
Key points in handling this are to bag the spot, get the fumblers number and watch who recovers on team A. You can kill it as soon as you know it wasn't the fumblers who recovered or caught the ball or you can wait if not sure until ths play is over. The you quikly determine who has possession of the ball and go from there.