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Old Fri Jun 18, 2004, 01:33pm
brian43 brian43 is offline
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Posts: 118
Re: Re: No...

Originally posted by JRutledge
Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
Why would you have an IHSA patch on a baseball umpire's shirt that has numbers?

1) You are too cheap to buy a second shirt for doing non-IHSA baseball.

2) You don't care how it looks.

3) Yu are trying to show up a partner that doesn't belong to your group.

There might be another reason or two, but when I see a guy walk on a high school field (in Illinois) with numbers, I laugh. And don't forget up until last year, the left sleeve had teh IHSA Official's insignis and the right sleeve had the Sportsmanship patch. Those who had numbers on their right sleeve should not be wondering why they did not get playoff assignments when they couldn't adhere to policy.

I cannot speak for everyone and I will not. But I did not see anyone wear numbers on a shirt, unless it was a college game. If I saw any numbers on the shirt during a HS game, it was not on a member of that organization. And one of those individuals got a Sectional this year.

But I forgot, you are all knowing.

i saw several FVB members work games at Waubonsie Valley HS that had numbers on their sleeves. i saw this at the varsity, sophomore, and freshman levels because i have 3 brothers that go there, one at each level.

im still a proud FVB member and if some people wear numbers on their shirts, thats their deal.

[Edited by brian43 on Jun 18th, 2004 at 02:35 PM]
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