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Old Fri Mar 02, 2001, 01:49am
Jim Porter Jim Porter is offline
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Originally posted by Bfair
What happens when the amateur league I assign says we are OBR except as amended by our own league rules (which are numerous, but at least I can get rulings). Does OBR mean MLB, Minor, or what? Do I give any more credit to NAPBL vs. JEA or J/R ???
Those books work in harmony. They are not contradictory. For a complete understanding of the Official Baseball Rules, careful study of all three is a good start, to say the least.

Then I run into Carl authoring an article saying don't balk F1 because he came off with wrong foot but wasn't trying a pickoff----I check all 3 and they say balk, but Carl says "no intent".

Like, when do you go "by the book" vx. "intent" and then from what source? Isn't there a problem here of just quoting whatever we feel fits our point the best?
Steve, do you have an obsession with Carl or something?

Look, there are many facets to being a good umpire. Rules knowledge and application is but one of these facets.

Another facet is something not written in any book. It entails common sense and sound judgment. These are the unwritten rules of umpiring. I think it is damaging if we lose the ability to discuss those aspects because someone is always looking over our shoulders to point out hypocrisy in our opinions.

Sometimes it isn't best to go by the book. We all find these aspects for ourselves, and we should be able to discuss them openly. If you disagree, fine. But don't set out on a crusade of finger-pointing, Senator McCarthy.

Sit back, relax, have a coffee, read, absorb, read again, re-absorb, process, digest, and learn.

It can't hurt you.
Jim Porter