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Old Thu Jun 17, 2004, 04:50pm
WindyCityBlue WindyCityBlue is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554

If you had any pride you would have stopped long ago.

No. We do not want to assign games. kept claiming that Tim and Dave and Bob were members of your group. But yur group doesn't assign highschool baseball games. So, when UMPS claims to have the best umpires, our members actually work the games they are assigned.

You might want to run thsi by Alstadt since you don't have a clue legally. Assignors don't "hire" officials. In Illinois, as in many other states, officials are independent contractors. If someone "hires" someone, they begin and employer/employee relationship and Workmen's Comp and taxation issues enter the equation. So, I guess I do understand it a little better than you.

You come here are run your mouth so much, but it is very clear you are clueless about how assigning is done in other sports. Because I work in the very same conferences that UMPS assigns and the assignors do not assign by association. They assign them by crews or who attends the camps to get evaluated. It works well in other sports, why is this a problem in baseball?

who's running his mouth now? Baseball is a completely different animal by design. The schools in our area formed a consortium (NISOC) and set the ground rules for dealing with assignors and associations. Because UMPS is so big, we are able to lobby for things that you can't. The conferences and schools sign our contract, we don't sign theirs! Our assignors work for us and get paid by our group, not the school or conference. They handle all of the rescheduling issues, not the school. Baseball is a non-revenue producing sport (so they claim) and treat the assigning differently. Basketball games rarely get cancelled due to weather, football has 12 games a year and plays through most everything. These ADs recognized the headache that scheduling and rescheduling 32 games can be. In the Chicgao area, if your talented and want them, you have a game every day. Now, if we operated like other sports and cancelled a game that they want rescheduled for tomorrow - but wait, I already have a game tomorrow, they're screwed. having one assignor handling both area conferences assures that those snafus don't occur. No phone trees or email begging. He knows who is playing and who is available...end of question. I'm not sure, did I answer all of your assigning questions. BTW, we are talking baseball here.
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