Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
GregR072 -
Brian's right. Check out both groups.
No one group is for everybody.
Besides, you make like driving a long way for underlevel games.
I'm not a baseball umpire. Useta be many years ago. I still do football and basketball. I am a baseball fan however, so I read this forum too to try and kinda keep current of the rules-mostly OBR.
Just an observation. We are all supposed to be members of the Fraterity of Officials. Why do you insist on denigrating another group of officials at the same time that you are trying to promote your own group? Not very professional at all, imo. I've always been kind of leary of people or groups that use this tactic.
As I said, it's just an observation. Take it for what you think it's worth. Or not worth.