Wed Jun 16, 2004, 01:02am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
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Originally posted by bigwes68
Originally posted by akalsey
Yes he's being an a$$ and isn't fit to coach children, but that's the BoD responsibility, not mine as an ump.
I agree that the guy isn't fit to coach children. He's got two of his own on that team, and they fight with each other all the time. And I mean literally. The other night, one of them went up to the other one and pushed him over after he dropped a ball on a play at the plate.
And what did the coach do? Not a dadgum thing. But he constantly sits there and yells at the other kids. I can't stand him, and I'm so glad his team lost the league championship, that way he doesn't get to coach the All-Star team in the tournament.
Why didn't you eject the shover?