He's got two of his own on that team, and they fight with each other all the time.
That sounds like
my two boys. And one of them ended up benched for the rest of the game and the entire next game.
If you, the man who saw the action occur, did not feel it was harsh enough to eject the coach, then why should the BoD?
It sounds like the ump at the field didn't feel that the coach should have been ejected. The "chewing out" was a side note to his real question. If a coach goes into the field to tell a player where he screwed up, that's different than someone being verbally abusive. Abuse (name calling, threats, belittling) of anyone on my field will send you packing.
A coach shouldn't stop the game and single a player out. That's bad judgement. But doing that once isn't a reason to eject him as long as he was providing instruction. But if the coach is simply a jerk and this is the sort of thing he does regularly, the BoD is in the best position to recognize that and take corrective action.
If a coach does this, count to three and then walk to where he's at. Tell him it's time to get the game going and if he ignores you or gives you attitude, then he's gone.