Thread: double base
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Old Tue Jun 15, 2004, 10:13am
Shmuelg Shmuelg is offline
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We don't play SP, but I looked it up, and the gurus at the ISF say (Rule 1):

An Illegal Re-entry occurs when
a. A starting player returns to the game a second time after twice being substituted.
b. The EP (SP ONLY) returns to the game after being substituted.
c. A starting player returns to the game after being substituted but not in his original position in the offensive lineup.
d. A substitute who has legally been in the game returns to the game after being replaced by either the original starting player or another substitute.
e. The DEFO (FP ONLY) is placed into the batting order in a position other than that of the starting DP.
f. The starting DP (FP ONLY) is placed into the batting order in a position other than his original starting position."

So, it looks like once the EP is removed, he's gone.
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