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Old Tue Jun 15, 2004, 05:27am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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By the book, you and your partner are supposed to switch. So it really doesn't matter who called the T, you switch and then administer the shots.

Now in practice, many officials like to have whoever called the T go opposite to get away from the coaches.
This official does have the responsibility to call violations on the shooter, but in practice never does. If the situation that caused the T was due to the action of the players, it is probably a lot more important to have the Trail official watching the nine players not shooting.

If your partner is over explaining to the coach just administer the shots, unless you believe that there will be a problem with the players on the court. I have had partners that take far too long to explain these things to coaches. If they are still talking after I have finished administering both shots, I throw my partner the ball and have him administer the division line throw-in. This gets the game going again.

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