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Old Mon Jun 14, 2004, 02:50pm
kellerumps kellerumps is offline
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Posts: 298
I guess this was the weekend for ignorant coaches to flourish. Ms. Kellerump had a coach jumping up and down while screaming over and over again"That's a Balk, That's a Balk, That's a Balk......".

Well it had been a long day due to rain and the wife yanked off her mask, walked toward the coach and said "Theres no balks in softball. Now get in your box and keep quiet!!!".

Next pitch she starts her motion and it was illegal because the pitcher, for some unknown reason, forgot to release the ball(16-U 'A'). The opposing coach then yells ...."Now that was an ILLEGAL PITCH".

I'm told told the whole scene was really funny. For the rest of the game, that coach remained in the dugout and avoided my wife.

Later in the tournament, this same coach told another umpire he didn't want Ms. Kellerump to work anymore of his games....Why you ask?.....Beacause "She was mean and didn't like him!!!!".
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