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Old Thu Jun 10, 2004, 12:15pm
Baseball_North Baseball_North is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 124
I had a play in my game a couple of weeks ago.... I was playing a game downtown in Toronto....

I was R1. There were runners on 1st (me) and 3rd with 1 out. BR chops a bouncing ball to 2B who flips to the SS who tries to quickly turn the double play... just as he catches the ball and steps on the base, I come crashing into his legs beside the base and he tumbles over top of me and ends up on the ground. I lost my helmet on the play, and still have the bruise on my leg from his foot. R1 out, BR safe, R3 scores. I got up, told him nice play to hang on to the ball, he said nice break-up.... play on.

Good baseball play all around.
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