Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Remove three-tenths of a second? Why?
You had to start all over again, didn't you? %$#@%^$#^!
First of all, I didn't start it all over again. 
Second of all, I would take 0.3 seconds off the clock (from the time that was showing at the beginning of the play) b/c 0.3 is the least amount of time that come off the clock when it is controlled. (That's why you can't control the ball and shoot with only 0.3 on the clock.)
Since it would unfairly penalize the offensive team to make them try their surprise play again -- when it already worked, with the exception of my error -- I would rule that the inbound pass was completed and controlled and then immediately blown dead. So obviously, you take the least amount of time off the clock allowed by rule and give the ball back to the offensive team at the spot nearest to where it was blown dead.
I honestly don't see why anybody has a problem with this interpretation.
Are you serious?
Let's recap:
A1 has the ball OOB, he legally passes the ball to A2 also OOB but you chop in time by mistake. Clock starts.
Now you're going to wait for A2 to inbound the ball, blow the whistle and TAKE OFF .3 seconds?
I dunno...but as they say before you leave that floor take a good look around, 'cause you aint ever gonna see THAT gym again.
Why not either blow it dead as soon as you see the clock start before the throw-in or leave it alone & hope for the best?