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Old Tue Jun 08, 2004, 08:59pm
DG DG is offline
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Like I said, more than once, if he slides past the bag to take out a fielder who is working on a double play, and he slides so far past he is beyond the bag, and beyond reach, I am going to call him out, and the runner going to 1B. If I have to use 9.01(c) I will because I don't read anywhere that sliding past the bag is legal or illegal, so in my book it's illegal. If I am on bases and don't see it, because I turned my head on the DP, then I expect PU to get it. He should be watching for this. If the coach don't like the call he can come out and argue about it for about 15 mS.

[Edited by DG on Jun 8th, 2004 at 10:01 PM]
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