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Old Tue Jun 08, 2004, 02:14pm
CYO Butch CYO Butch is offline
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Originally posted by Hawks Coach
Originally posted by CYO Butch
Thanks for the derivation. That was a new on on me.
My favorite number reference is not 10-4 (from 2-way radio usage) but actually from an old list of catch phrases and punch lines that made its way around during the 70's. The idea was that if you just used the number, people would know the joke and laugh without having to spend time telling it all over again. The one that I still use to this day is "585". It stands for "Pardon me sir, but I believe you mistook me for someone who gives a sh*t." Fortuantely, the people I tend to say it to are either my close friends to whom I have taught it, or people who don't know what I'm talking about at all.
And the 585 comes from??? Can't begin to relate that one.
It was a gag sheet that was passed around, much like jokes go around the Internet today. It was about 15 pages long, as I recall, with a bunch of punch lines without the jokes themselves. It was mostly classic lines like "I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the duck", or "She was so ugly that I chewed off my arm so I wouldn't wake her when I got up". There was no real derivation - just something somebody put together and it developed a life of its own. I first saw it doing some work for the Maryland State Police up in Pikesville waaaay too many years ago.
It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them!
- Friedrich Nietzsche -
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