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Old Wed Feb 28, 2001, 09:26am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by Dave Sirbu
FED Rule 1.1.5 states that non-adult ball shaggers must wear a 2 flap helmet in a live-ball area even when the ball is dead. My question is two part: Are rostered players considered non-adult ball shaggers when they have left the dugout to retrieve a foul ball down the right field corner? And if they are, should they be wearing a helmet? This came up last night in our association meeting and there was a great deal of disagreement. One of our officials claimed that players shagging foul balls must wear a helmet, and most said they would allow them to retrieve foul balls without a helmet on. Your opinions would be appreciated.

Regards, Dave Sirbu
I've always interpreted it as "the coach's son / daughter who is helping out." That's why the penalty is "not being allowed on the field." If it was a player / substitute, then the penalty would be ejection.
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