Originally posted by DG
Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Originally posted by DG
If sliding off the bag, such that it can't be reached by hand or foot, to break up a double play is an illegal slide, then surely sliding past the bag, so that it can't be reached by hand or foot is also. Rule reference, 9.01(c)
This is complete crap. You cannot rely on 9.01(c) here. Could he reach the bag with a hand or foot? If yes, then it's not interference unless there is a FPSR in place and there's a violation of that.
If not, the runner can "deliberately" break up a double play. What do you think that slide is for, anyway? If the runner slides past the base such that he can't reach it with a hand or foot, then call the interference. If not, don't insert yourself in the game because you want to be the protector of the players. This ain't chess.
Are you actually reading what I write or just firing off at the mouth, like so many coaches? You say "if the runner slides past the base such that he can't reach it with a hand or foot, then call the interference". I say "if sliding off the bag, such that it can't be reached by hand or foot, to break up a double play is an illegal slide, then surely sliding past the bag, so that it can't be reached by hand or foot is also". Now you tell me what's the difference and why this is complete crap? Also tell me where in the book sliding past the base so that it can't be reached by hand or foot is interference and I will not have to apply common sense, ie 9.01(c). By the way, this is Babe Ruth question, so when does FPSR apply in Babe Ruth?
It doesn't. Babe Ruth plays OBR for the most part.
And you are mistaken -- not only did I read your post carefully, I told you why 9.01(c) doesn't apply. You cannot pull out 9.01(c) whenever you want -- it only covers the rare situation that is not specifically covered in the rules. The interference that you are talking about is covered explicitly in the case notes in 6.05(m) and clarified in the NAPBL/PBUC manual to mean "reach with a hand or foot."
But keep in mind that a legal slide can be a deliberate attempt to take out a fielder and the collision can be pretty violent. Fielders should be aware of this and turn the pivot in a way that avoids this contact.