Remember that deliberatly doing something doesn't change the way the call is made. There are alot of things that are done deliberatly in life to take advantage of the rules. Such as deliberatly have a baby in December to collect a whole years worth of tax credits for a child that you've really only cared for for less than a month (sounds kinda sadistic, but my wife and I had our son in December, not deliberatly, but I sure as heck deliberatly claimed him and the nice refund check that came with it to start his college fund). I know a couple though that deliberatly had their baby in December for exactly that reason. All in all, sounds like they've cheated the system but by following the rules its all good.
All this said, the plate umpire should have a good idea of what has happened, and assist the base ump in ruling accordingly on the play at second based on the governing rules
My job is a decision-making job, and as a result, I make a lot of decisions." --George W. Bush