Thread: stay at table?
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Old Wed Jan 12, 2000, 01:00am
Alaska Ref Alaska Ref is offline
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Joe Bob, Jeremy and Indy.

In no way am i afraid to call or inform a coach or player of the 5th foul. At clinics the discussion of preventive officating pops up and the division-1 referee's recommend that after a "T" or on a 5th foul get away from the bench's! Why when calling a foul and going to administer free throw's, does the Officials Manual on page 36 say go around the players not thru them. (Don't be in their Face's) It makes good sense to just keep away, you don't have to prove that you can call a "T", it is smarter to preventive officate, just like we tell players to watch the knees, keep the elbows down etc., why call one when we should be talking them out of about 5 fouls per game.

NOTE: In the event a player has 5 fouls and then gets a "T" before being replaced it is not an "indirect on the coach"! he is still a player until he is replaced on the floor. I was incorrect in my first reply.

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