Originally posted by ecurebel
In a Babe Ruth game I saw this play last night that i was watching but not working. with less than two outs R1 on first base is forced to go to second by batter/runner. R1 overslides second base purposely breaking up the double play and taking the fielder out. the base umpire did not see this because the bag had already been tagged and he was moving into position to view a throw to first for the double play. he realizes the ball was not thrown and the two players are laying on the ground. if he did not see the play at second can the plate guy make a call on it? or does the base guy have to appeal his call at second for a double play interference on the runner to the plate guy since he could not see the interference?
There's a couple of things going on here before I get to the mechanics.
I think Babe Ruth plays by OBR rules. If that's the case then R1 would have to do something Willfully and deliberately with Obvious intent to break up DP. Also in OBR as long as the bag is within reach by the players hand, the slides Ok.
Therefore, in an OBR game we only have one out.
In FED, they have what is called a Force Play Play slide rule and also define what types of slides are legal vs. illegal. over-sliding a base and making contact with a fielder is an illegal slide in FED.
Now to the mechanic:
In a 2 Person System it is the plate person's responsibility to watch for the interference at second base, because the BU will turn to make the call at first base as soon as F4/F6 releases the ball.
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth