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Old Wed Jun 02, 2004, 11:00pm
DG DG is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: North Carolina
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I'm sorry, but this forum will only bewilder and confuse most new umpires, especially the hardly interested variety. For doing minor league ball, with a pitching machine, about 2 hours should be adequate, and about all a 15 year old, hardly interested new umpire is going to be able to absorb. In about 45 minutes you should be able to go over basic mechanics (do you need plate mechanics for pitching machine league?) for the small field, about 30 minutes for the 40 Myths of Baseball, 15 minutes on how to dress for games (ie look the part), about 15 minutes on how to handle coach/fan complaints, and then 15 minutes on Q&A of anything that was covered, or not covered in the first 105 minutes. Do all field demos on the field. Have all discusssion in the bleachers.

If you can't get a 15 year old, Babe Ruth baseball player, who will be getting paid to do games (I assume) to attend a mandatory clinic then tell them they will get no games if they don't attend the clinics and improve their skills and go hire some more responsible 15 year old girl softball players to attend the clinics and do the games.