Thread: Tough Call
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Old Mon Feb 26, 2001, 10:18pm
Hawks Coach Hawks Coach is offline
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I disagree with warning the shooter. On what basis? She took 8 seconds on the 1st free throw? With the game on the line, the last thing you should be doing is talking to the shooter about their process at the line. I would actually see that as favoring the other team by putting a distracting thought in the shooter's head that detracts from her focus on this very important free throw. Now she is thinking about your count instead of her shot. She may normally take 8 seconds and intend on doing so again, and that would not be a violation.

I also think you have to have a really egregious violation to dream of calling this with 4.8 seconds left, but I recognize that the rules support making the call and it is within your purview to do so if you find it necessary. i would prefer a little more restraint in this sitch.
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