Thread: OBR Appeal Play
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Old Tue Jun 01, 2004, 11:59pm
DG DG is offline
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Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by JCurrie
I've seen an NCAA interp for this situation, but was wondering if OBR would be the same. R1 & R3, 1 out. B1 flies out to F9 and both runners advance. R3 does not tag up, scores, and R1 ends up on third. R1 requests time after sliding into third. Once the ball is back on the hill, the defense requests an appeal, but before the pitcher can throw the ball to third, R1 breaks for home. The pitcher throws out R1 for the third out. However, according the NCAA interp, the defense can still appeal R3 not tagging up because the offense intitiated the intervening play. Does this also apply to OBR? If you need a better description, look on the NCAA champadmin site. It's in one of the short info sheets in the umpire information area.
I don't care about the appeal. I want to sign up to be R1's agent. He went to third on a caught fly to right? Now that's world class speed!
Priceless. I was actually wondering how R1 could end up on 3B also. I am also wondering how the defense could not appeal R3 leaving early, and be prepared to throw out the new R3, if he choses to go home. More likely, if the pitcher toed the rubber to get the "play" call from the PU, R3 would be very near 3B when this happened.
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