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Old Tue Jun 01, 2004, 01:32pm
gipper gipper is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 10
I've been officiating high school softball for about 5 years. Didn't get a playoff game yet, but not a big deal.
So I went to see a game on Monday to see how the other qualified umps work. PU comes out with dusty shoes on, one beat up ball bag, a wristwatch on, and just before the game starts, proceeds to put his cap on backwards. OK not exactly the way I was taught but... He then sets up behind the catcher (not in the slot) and if the catcher moves outside a little he moves with her. He didn't move once to go down the first baseline to view a play during the game. There wasn't really a close call the whole game and it went smoothly. My point new guys work hard for a playoff game and do all the little things and then we see this. Is this common in other states?
gi ump
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