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Old Mon Feb 26, 2001, 03:04pm
GarthB GarthB is offline
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If I made the call, Pete, it was with the information available at the time and hopefully good timing. If the call was wrong, I still wouldn't have proof of that. That would be the opinion of people who saw something other than what I saw, a different angle perhaps.

I have to call on what I see, not on what the first base coach saw. I can live with that. So it isn't hard for me to defend my call.

"Skip this is what I saw......"

Well that isn't what I saw.

"Skip, the difference between what you saw and what I saw is that I'm wearing the blue shirt. What I saw stands, now were gonna play ball."

Then I walk to my position. If he is stupid or tired of watching the game, he may follow me. His choice at that point. If he does, I'll honor his request and send him to his car.

I don't make calls that I believe to be wrong. Sure I make mistakes, but I believed I was right or I wouldn't have made the call. I am not going to cut any coach extra slack just because he thinks I'm wrong. When doesn't he? Where would it stop?

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