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Old Tue Jun 01, 2004, 06:58am
chuck chopper chuck chopper is offline
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Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Posts: 414
Slow Pitch. Runner on any bag, POP-up in foul territory near coaches box. Coach in the box gets tangled up with fielder and catch is prevented. I have always thought dead ball-batter out. WRONG. This happened in Torn'y this past weekend to some other Ump. When we all went to find the ruling, it can't be found. Seems (in ASA) there is no such thing. 8-7-M,O addresses INTENTIONAL or unintentionally the ball hitting the coach, and in such case the runner closest to home is out..not the batter.
Isn't this a bit too harsh a penalty. Also wanted to ask if this happens with two strikes, then do we call the runner closest to home out, AND then the batter out as well.
Once again seems too harsh. At best in last case, the batter would be out.. caught or uncaught so why are we getting this closest to home runner also ? It also just does not seem appropriate to call nothing. It seems like the rules people have left a gap, that we can fall in regarding this.
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