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Old Mon Feb 26, 2001, 03:49am
Jim Porter Jim Porter is offline
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Originally posted by official88
I am a 3rd year umpire, youth leagues and high school, and on several occaisions, when my position is the Plate Umpire, I have had "veteran" partners who just seem to take control right from the meeting with the caoches at home plate. Being the "newer kid on the block" I'm not sure how to handle these guys. As the man behind the dish, I feel that is I who should run the meeting at the plate and have the coaches address any concerns to me. I don't wish to insult anyone, but how do I go about telling these partners that they should let it be my "show"? Any advice would be appreciated.


It is possible that your body language says that you look apprehensive about the plate conference, and that you seem nervous or searching for words. Make sure you have a well-rehearsed, confident, and to-the-point plate conference prepared. Know what you're going to say and how you're going to say it. Preparedness will give you more confidence.

Another possibility is that, you have gotten accustomed to these guys taking over, and they have gotten accustomed to taking over for you. When the plate meeting comes around, you probably look at your partner. Don't do that. That's a cue to your partner for him to take over for you.

There are some umpires who get stage fright at the plate meeting. Veterans are always taking charge for these chaps. They're everywhere at the lower levels - and you said you work youth league. The more experienced umpires at these levels are in the habit of taking charge because, if they don't, no one will.

Finally, if you are truly taking charge, a veteran partner shouldn't even have a chance to take over. As soon as you arrive at the park, know you are in charge. Meet with your partner and tell HIM when your pre-game conference will be. Conduct the pre-game conference with your partner. Hit mechanics points, and coverage, etc.

By the time the plate meeting rolls around, your partner will already know that he ain't gonna have to take over for you.

Don't be afraid. Take charge. Just don't be a tyrant.
Jim Porter
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