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Old Thu May 27, 2004, 08:18pm
oc oc is offline
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Re: Re: Re: Judgment Call???

Originally posted by Hawks Coach
If the ball is in the neighborhood of where the violation occurs (such as your throw-in vioaltion), I have no issue with you saying it impacted the play. I might even think that the lane divider needs to be called where othres do not. Free country. But 3 point line, nowhere near the ball, toe on the line, not making a play - please tell me how that impacts the play of the game. One inch of floor space that distance from the basket won't change a thing, unless a player is trying to gain an unfair advantage.
I hear what you are saying-and agree. But the situation here was not a toe on the line but a clear violation-standing on the line. If it was just a toe I would pretend I didn't see-but what if it is obvious and the ref clearly saw it and the other coach saw it?

Do those of you supporting ignoring the call still recommend ignoring it? Jurassic interested in your opinion (as well as others)

"it was real close coach." suggested by rulesmaven is a good idea and I will use that in the future when it applies-but it doesn't in this one.

[Edited by oc on May 27th, 2004 at 09:23 PM]
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