Originally posted by Robmoz
Originally posted by ChuckElias
This is what many observers refer to as (pardon the indelicacy) "diarrhea of the mouth". The only thing that needs to be said when administering FTs is the number that will be shot.
Come on, you honestly believe that diarrhea of the mouth BS.
On a free throw? I honestly do believe that "diarrhea of the mouth" is a fitting and apt term for what you advocate. I'm completely with Chuck on this one. There's no need at all for you to conduct a rules clinic on every FT. The lead simply saying the # of shots when he's administering FT's is the accepted mechanic, both in high school and college games. I've never heard of this particular mechanic being taught any other way, to be quite honest. You might warn a coupla players along the line if you feel that they specifically might be getting getting carried away in the blocking-out action, or maybe getting in a little quick, but there's absolutely no need for any generic warnings on every free throw for actions that haven't happened yet, and may never happen.