Originally posted by Robmoz
Originally posted by Hawks Coach
...Here is where the judgement in this call really lies. Judge whether or not this "violation" impacted the play in any way, and therefore if this is a call you really need to make. Call what matters, not every technical rules violation you can see.
Don't call unless impacted the play? What about the lazy inbound that is made after a basket while the flow clearly has gone back down the court. Everyone in that end of the gym sees the violation, yet no impact on the "play", you let it go time and time again. Why, because you deemed it not necessary to the game? Puhleeeeeze, use judgement on judgement calls but call violations as they occur because THAT IS part of the game and I do not buy into the notion that such calls take away from the game. Do not start down a slippery slope of selective enforcement you will regret that you ever left your roots.
If the ball is in the neighborhood of where the violation occurs (such as your throw-in vioaltion), I have no issue with you saying it impacted the play. I might even think that the lane divider needs to be called where othres do not. Free country. But 3 point line, nowhere near the ball, toe on the line, not making a play - please tell me how that impacts the play of the game. One inch of floor space that distance from the basket won't change a thing, unless a player is trying to gain an unfair advantage.
Again, you can clearly call this - it is a technical violation of the rules. But I see no compelling need to do to blow the whistle. Obviously you do, but you have nothing other than the rule book in your back pocket to fall back on for making this call. Many fine experienced refs differ with this opinion of yours, and provide cogent reasons for their opinion. Feel free to ignore them. But a strictly by the book philosophy usually leads you just as far astray as one that completely ignores the fact that a book exists. Call what needs to be called to make the game fair. And be consistent.
It's always finding a proper balance that allows you to succeed in life. And making appropriate judgments consistently makes for a good referee.