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Old Sun Feb 25, 2001, 09:30am
Ump20 Ump20 is offline
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What is your goal?

Originally posted by Patrick Szalapski
Originally posted by Dave Hensley

If I have misunderstood your statements I apologize, but I thought it significant enougth to jump in with the observation that, while certainly onerous, the contract Patrick is contemplating is not, as I understand the relevant law, illegal.
Thanks for the legal advice, guys, but I'm really looking for more practical advice. Should I join this association with these terms? I want to umpire high school, but I feel like I'm being stepped on here with low pay and high penalties for likely events. Fines like Mike stated seem to be much more sensical. I'm a person and I have a life outside of baseball; I cannot make umpiring my number one priority insofar as being rigidly committed to my availability written three months ahead of time. I would gladly accept and excel at any reasonable expectation of the type that most of you have now. Any more advice?

P-Sz [/B]
I think one of the questions you need to ask yourself Patrick is "What is my overall umpiring goal?" Do you want better quality ball or is it more about how much extra money you can make during the season? Are you looking for challenges to your skill level? I think you indicated that this group assigns some 80% of games in the area. Does this apply to summer ball as well? If so, it sounds like you either join them or move to Long Island, New York where Varsity pays $90 per game. You get a fee plus a half if you would ever work alone. If you fail to attend the minimum number of meetings points are deducted from your rating. {One might derive from this that attending meetings makes you a better umpire but most meetings are simply BS sessions and more could be accomplished with a newsletter.}

I suggest you also check into baseball umpiring clinics that may be scheduled in or near where you live. You will learn skills to immediately improve as an umpire, meet new faces in umpiring and increase your informal network. You can also consider posting your hometown here and on other Boards requesting "leads". Maybe that other 20% does the kind of ball you want at somewhat higher fees and you just need the right introduction. Jim/NYC
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