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Old Wed May 26, 2004, 01:24pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Lightbulb You are looking for one answer when there is several answers.

Originally posted by lrpalmer3

I have already clarified several times that the foot IS over the line. Why are you talking about angles and shoe curvature?
Why? Because you are worried about explaining something to a coach. That is why. And no matter what happen, that is at the very least my point.

Originally posted by Robmoz

I understand your opinion and respect refs who feel this way, but this post is not for you. I am speaking to refs who do selectively enforce, as the first post states.

Not sure who you are speaking to and really is not the point. You are asking everyone here that decides to read this post. This my answer is not just for you either. It is for those that think they need to let coaches dictate what we say to them or what we do not say to them.

No matter what you do, they are still going to ask. If you make the call, the other coach might have a question for you. If you feel compelled to say something all the time, then you will do more explaining than officiating. You are looking for a magic bullet, when there is no such thang.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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