Originally posted by JRutledge
It is not completely uncommon to have a shoe where it curves near the toe. I have seen coaches claim the foot was on the line, when you look at another angle, the toe is over the line. This is just one of many reasons I do not listen to coaches for what took place.
Peace [/B]
I have already clarified several times that the foot IS over the line. Why are you talking about angles and shoe curvature?
Originally posted by Robmoz
If I then see a violation I DO CALL IT because it is a rule violation and I do not selectively enforce the rules. It's simple, see the violation, call the violation - that is our job. Do not confuse judgement calls with rule enforcement.
I understand your opinion and respect refs who feel this way, but this post is not for you. I am speaking to refs who do selectively enforce, as the first post states.