THIS IS NOT DIXIE YOUTH!!!! Dixie Youth is ages 12 and under.
The post above is about DIXIE BOYS!!! Ages 13-18
Dixie Boys baseball is based upon OBR rules.
It has a few minor changes but nothing major.
Dixie Boys pitching rules are listed in the rules book rule 8, but there is nothing about balks. It is all information for the coaches.
Now Dixie Youth has many many changes, but they are all listed on their website and in their rulebooks.
The only specialty rules that Dixie Boys use is malicious contact and obstruction (where they pretty much follow FED)
There are also some differences for 13-14 (still youngsters) and the Dixie Pre-Major and Majors which is 15-16, and 17-18 (kids that shave regularly)
The penalties for balk are same as OBR.
Originally posted by mcrowder
Click on
Or, go to, click on baseball, click on rules and regulations. Right at the top is the link to the full rulebook - labelled 2004 Official Rules and Regulations.
Here is the full text of rule 8.05 regarding Balks. I love the repeated "reserved" throughout the book.
Note that this is not in the age-specific rules, and goes right up to age 18.
8.05A balk occurs when
(a) The pitcher, while touching the plate, makes any motion naturally associated with the pitch and fails to make such delivery;
(b) Reserved
(c) Reserved
(d) Reserved
(e) The pitcher makes an illegal pitch;
(f) The pitcher delivers the ball to the batter while not facing the batter;
(g) The pitcher makes any motion naturally associated with the pitch while not touching the pitchers plate;
(h) The pitcher unnecessarily delays the game;
(i) The pitcher, without having the ball, stands on or astride the pitchers plate or while off the plate feints a pitch;
(j) Reserved
(k) The pitcher, while touching the plate, accidentally or intentionally drops the ball;
(l) The pitcher, while giving an intentional base on balls, pitches when the catcher is not in the catchers box.
(m) Reserved
NO PENALTY: Any pitch or any action by the pitcher construed as a balk by the umpire shall be declared a no pitch. The ball is dead and no runner shall advance.
NOTE: Any action by the batter or any member of the offensive team, including the coaches, that, in the opinion of the umpire-in-chief, causes a pitcher to commit an illegal pitch or balk shall result in the pitch being declared a no pitch. The ball shall be dead and no runners shall advance.