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Old Wed May 26, 2004, 10:05am
Hawks Coach Hawks Coach is offline
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by footlocker
I don't usually allow coaches to chip away (respectfully or not) when a call or a no call that they disagree with was to their advantage. In these cases, I respectfully remind them that the call or no-call was to their benefit.
Not sure why they would "chip away" in such cases?!? Not if they have any clue what is happening in the game. Where I get POd is not the no-calls, but the touch foul in the backcourt called "in my favor" that takes away the fast break my player was starting when the touch occurred. Most experienced refs won't do that to you, but it happens. I don't say anything, other then a quiet "didn't need that call" to my assistant on the bench.
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