I admit it's been a year since I called ASA... but:
At a Dixie league game last night, ages 9-10, one pitcher was consistently throwing 6-10 foot arcs just to try to get the ball to the plate. Opposing coach asked me after the game why I wasn't calling illegal pitch - I looked at him flabbergasted. He then said, "Oh, yeah - it's Dixie here. We play ASA," in a very condescending tone. He started to walk away, when I told him that even though it's been a year since I did ASA, I was almost positive there is no maximum arc for a legal pitch in any jurisdiction of fastpitch. But I did promise I'd check. I couldn't find it in my 2003 ASA book last night, so I thought I'd ask here.
I'm told the ASA folks in his area call it an illegal pitch consistently.