Tue May 25, 2004, 09:40pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,643
Originally posted by GarthB
Dixie Boys baseball player under Official Baseball Rules.
Nothing malcious intended, but I've been dying to ask this whenever I see the above reference:
1. Do you play less than nine innings?
2. Do you use a courtesy runner at any time?
3. Do you play on basepaths less than 90' in length?
4. Do you allow any form of re-entry?
5. Do you have a slide, avoid or surrender rule?
6. Do you have a malicious contact rule?
7. Do you pitch from less than 60'6"?
8. Do you have time limits in any game, including tournaments?
9. Do you restrict the number of innings a pitcher can pitch in a game or week?
10. Do you have a prohibition, at any age level, to "leaving early"?
11. Do you allow an Extra Hitter?
12. Did you answer yes to any of these questions?
13. Is a yes answer to any of these questions consistent with the Official Rules of Baseball?
The rules of baseball were written for 30 year old men, not 11 year old boys.
Youth leagues have added, deleted, modified and at times have outright re-written the rules. Some youth leagues have changed the obstruction rule and one even invented a rule in which a runner just plain disappears. (He's not out, he didn't score, he's just gone.)
I'm not criticizing leagues for adding safety or increased participation rules. It's just that I'm always amazed at the put-down FED gets for it's rules by some youth umpires who think they work the "real" rules.
I bet you're not playing real OBR. If your playing OBR, then there are no safety rules.