Mon May 24, 2004, 11:24pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
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Originally posted by oc
Originally posted by Jimgolf
Jurassic, I'm not saying anything different regarding the original post. Push is PC foul. In his follow up post, oc says:
"In the play in question I was B1 playing in a jerk ball game (rec ball). I was called for a block and didn't like the call as A1 saw me there and led with his elbow into my chest. (I thought I had gotten postion before A1 jumped as well but that's probably biased thinking-and not relevant to my question.) Thinking about the play later from an objective point of view I was wondering whether or not I might have called it exactly the same-blocking foul on myself."
A little more information than the original post, and made me wonder whether the accusation of a push by A1 was accurate, or whether this was B1's impression of the play. Clearly A1 has run into B1, but since B1 doesn't have LGP, the question is whether the arm contact is in the form of a push or normal player reaction to being run into by a defensive player. I tend to agree with the ref on this one.
I don't give extra information at first because I don't care about that particular foul anymore. I was B1 in the play and definitely biased. However, the situation got me wondering what is the right call the next time I am reffing and see this play. Thanks to Jurrassic and others it looks like the call is PC-assuming the push by A1 is hard enough to warrant it. Otherwise it would be a block. Correct?
If the push is not hard enough either way, it is probably a no-call.