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Old Mon May 24, 2004, 10:56pm
WinterWillie WinterWillie is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 263
NFHS (I was BU)
In my game today, the (their star player) BR hits a long ball to right field (no one on base), misplayed by the right fielder so she sprints around all four bases, I follow her on the inside as she misses second base. I wait for the appeal and call her out. Her coach starts on me by saying that I couldn't have made that call from where I was in left field (Remember I told you I was with her on the inside, so I know this dude doesn't know what he is talking about and I explain to him where I was when I made the call) He chirps about it for the next couple of minutes and I know I have his full attention at this point. My partner who doesn't like to be upstaged in any game when he is PU- because when he is PU he says it is "his" game- gives me the score where he is still counting the homerun instead of an out. (I was suppose to work the plate, but at the pre game he told me he injured his knee during the day and was working the plate because he had difficulty running- didn't ask- just told me.) I let it go since he isn't the official scorer but what happen next really irked me. In the next inning, he loses the count and asks me for it. I give him the count which I know was right and he responds that can't be right and ask the coach of the team that I just took a HR away from what he has for a count. I have always thought of him as a coach's umpire (brown nosing, ssa kissing- looking for the state playoff games) but this was one for the ages.
Nature bats last!
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