Touch call yesterday. I was working a boys and girls high school tournament (my partner and I were doing the girls side) and had a very close game. 3 point difference with 4.8 seconds to play and B1 is fouled with her team in the double bonus situation. (Her team is down by three.) I was trail and doing the silent (hand flick) count on the FT. Her first FT was good although she took about 8 seconds to release the ball on her try. It's now a 2 point game. She receives the ball for her second try and this time takes even longer to shoot. After about 11.5 seconds I finally called a 10 second violation. Her coach came unglued and stood up and started accusing me (VERY LOUDLY) of being connected with the other team. (I am not.) My partner (on lead, bench side) came over and didn't hesitate to T the coach. The coach then loudly accused my partner of the same thing and he was given a second T and ejected from the gym. It was really too bad. The other team shot the FTs for the Ts (missed all four!!) and we gave the ball to A and they just ran the clock out.
I really felt bad for the girls on B, because after the 10 second violation they still might have been able to steal the ball when A was inbounding in B's fontcourt and possibly tie the game. But after their coach's display the girls were so visibly demoralized they just kinda gave up.
Amazing thing was that the girl I called the 10 second violation on met me in the parking lot after the game and apologized for her coach!!
Any thoughts?