Lookback rule ... the basics
i happened to read a very very lengthy debate on this rule on another board a couple nights ago ... (eteamz, i think) ... it got a bit nasty at one point ...
i'll try a simpler scenario to get the answer to my question
- no one on base
- BOB and batter-runner rounds 1st and then, per the rule, she decides to proceed immediately towards 2nd base as soon as the pitcher reaches the circle
- pitcher actually throws to 2nd base and the throw is well ahead of the runner
- the runner knows she will be tagged out even if she slides
- now, the runner can change her mind and try to get back to 1st base, right ? (i.e. as soon as the pitcher either throws or fakes a throw the look back rule gets cancelled at that moment ... the runner can risk trying to get back to 1st or she can try to slide in to 2nd)
is that right ?
regards to all ... bobbrix