Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by rockyroad
1)Work on controlling and perfecting the things I have control over (mechanics, communication, presence, etc)...
2)Work on letting go of the things I don't have control over (like who hires me, what level I get to do, etc.) so I can help make my crew better every night...
...and 3)?
The wisdom to know the difference? Or have you already got that down?
Hey Juulie, you gonna be at Pat's camp at Oregon City??? If so, that's my topic this summer - the old plaque my mom had above the kitchen sink (spent hours washing and rewashing dishes as a kid) - "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." I think I can now tell the difference, just struggle with the serenity part!! Hence, my two goals for this coming year...