Originally posted by jicecone
After reading 2004 BRD a little deeper and rereading Pete Booth's input I think I understand your side a little better.
I have one more HS game left this season mabey I will get a chance to apply this. Hopefully not. I enjoy it much better when they don't even know I was there. If thats how Fed wants , so be it.
I think it is good advice even in an OBR game. Call the obstruction at the moment the contact happens. If it's type B, you can leave the runner where he is if necessary. It's harder to get an obstruction call sold if you wait until you decide you need it.
I figured I'd get obstruction in my games today since I was talking about it, but only had interference. Shortstop came up to field a ground ball and R2 ran right into him. Amazing how routine that was in the end.