Thread: Retouch ?
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Old Fri Feb 23, 2001, 12:58pm
Bandit Bandit is offline
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Bases loaded, 1 out. Batter hits a high fly to left center. Runner on 3rd takes off for home on contact. The left fielder attempts to catch the ball but it bounces out of her glove back into the air. The center fielder coming over to back up the play catches the ball while it is still in the air. Meanwhile the runner from third has scored w/o retouching. The defense appeals that the runner left early. The umpire ruled that while initial contact releases the runner from the base, that is applied only when the original fielder that touches the ball also catches the rebound. But in this case since a second player caught the ball the runner did not have to retouch. According to what I read in FED rules ( 8-2 Art.2) "If a batted ball (fair or foul, other than a foul tip) is caught, the initial contact of the ball by a fielder releases the runner. It says nothing about first or second player cathing. So did we have a miss ruling ?
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