Originally posted by rwest
Our association had a situation similar to the one described except it involved a "spectator". He was a player for one of the teams and had been suspended for the rest of the season. However, since it is a public park, we can't prevent him from being at the game. He was obnoxious and would make loud sounds as the opposing pitch delivered the ball. I was playing on another field and not umpiring that night. The field manager asked him to quiet down.
What recourse does an umpire have when dealing with unruly fans?
Because it is a public park he CAN be prevented from attending games. Our county rec dept has suspended a few. One for verbal threats to another coach, one for being drunk and disorderly. There are also rules in place which allow for permanent suspension for any physical assualt on an official, or coach. Recourse can be asking coach to help quell the unruly fan, or have field supervisor remove the fan, or worst case, stop the game until fan/s are removed.
I remember an Auburn-Georgia football game where unruly fans were kept off the field with the stadium sprinklers, I would sometimes like to have a fire hose, or maybe electrified bleachers?