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Old Thu May 20, 2004, 12:36pm
WindyCityBlue WindyCityBlue is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554
Question Obstruction before First

A runner can be hindered without being able to advance to the next base. This is obstruction -- if it happened between the plate and first in a FED game, leave him at first. If it happened after the BR touched first, award second. It doesn't matter in FED whether he got would've gotten there or not. The fielder doesn't get free reign to get in the way of or bump the runner.

Did I miss something? You are going to keep a guy at first if he is obstruvted before reaching that base???

The guy hits a rope down the line and gets tangled with the catcher. The hit would obviously be a double or more. Are you still going to keep him at first.

In Fed it absolutely matters (Umpire Judgement) if he would have gotten there or not. You penalize those that cheat, are stupid or make your job impossible.
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