Players are responsible for knowing the situation. It's nice that I know it too but players are supposed to be aware of when a BR can run and when he cannot.
As Jicecone pointed out, stealing is irrelevant; 1st is occupied at Time of Pitch. With less than 2 outs and 1st occupied the BR cannot run on a dropped third strike.
In this situation I come up with the strike mechanic to let everyone know that we have a third strike. Being fully aware of the run/can't run situation I will also yell the batter is out as he runs off to 1st. This doesn't alway prevent the catcher from throwing to 1st.
In your situation it sounds like the catcher knew what he was doing and recognized there were not two outs, the batter was out, and that R2 was stealing - he threw to 3rd for the third out. 3rd baseman was asleep and didn't tag R2. So sad; defense looses as R1 and R2 advance.
Calling the batter out can come anytime before the next pitch... and obviously the sooner the better. Generally they figure it out on their own and just leave for the dugout.
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford