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Old Tue May 18, 2004, 08:24am
James Neil James Neil is offline
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Posts: 465
Originally posted by PiggSkin
Originally posted by Bob M.

2. A 4/10 A4. A99's punt is high and short. B88 is waiting to field the punt. Before the ball can be caught, A77 blows up B88 with a vicious hit at the B40. The ball hits B88 and rolls to the B45 where A66 recovers while grounded. After the hit, but before the ball is recovered, B88 swears at A77. During the play, B78 is flagged for running into the kicker.
Couple of thoughts/questions:

1) The first penalty I see is Kick Catching Interference... This would be the case if B88 were pushed or blasted by A77... Now, since the consensus seems to be that A77 was being a cheap shot artist, he's ejected... We can't give him a KCI and a personal foul... (Can we..?)

2) I have a question of the touching of the kick by B88... Does it make a difference if he's blocked into the ball instead of the ball hitting him after the block..? Consider these scenarios:
a) B88 is blasted and is laying on his back for a second or so when the punt lands on his head.
b) B88 is blasted and the ball hits him before he lands on the ground...

In scenario B, I would say that the touching is definitely ignored... In scenario A, I'm not so sure... (The question says that the ball hits him, not the other way around...)

But in this case, I guess none of that matters...

First off I believe KCI is a personal foul. Anyway if it’s a “vicious” hit I hope I‘d have the balls to step up and do the right thing and sit the player down. Definitely not an easy call, but one that need to be made. Although in the play it doesn't actually say the touching by B was the result of the vicious hit by A, I think it’s safe to assume so if just for the sake of discussion. In a) it will probably be an “in my judgment” ruling where intent of the rule comes more into play. In b). Its more of a no-brainer, ignore the touching. I’d probably ignore the touching in both cases.

Know the rule book so you know the game - not so you can be over technical
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