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Old Mon May 17, 2004, 10:05pm
greymule greymule is offline
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mcrowder, you have OBR and Fed baseball mixed up. It is Fed baseball that draws an imaginary line between 1B and 3B. Any ball that first falls (or is first touched) on or behind that line is fair no matter where it spins or rolls after that.

In OBR, a ball is fair if it first lands fair past a base—yes, past the line connecting 1B and 2B or the line connecting 3B and 2B.

In Fed baseball, a ball that landed halfway between the mound and 2B and then spun foul across the 1B line would be fair. In OBR, it would be foul.

ASA is the same as OBR. I don't know of any code other than Fed baseball that draws the 1B-3B line. Interestingly, Fed softball does not use the 1B-3B line, but instead follows OBR and ASA.

[Edited by greymule on May 17th, 2004 at 11:13 PM]
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