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Old Mon May 17, 2004, 09:23pm
Ed Hickland Ed Hickland is offline
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Know we are not talking about the NFL but Mike Pereria said it best in an article following last season's playoff.

A whistle does not kill the play.

My crew talked about when and who should blow the whistle on a try. My consensus was, no one.

On any play in football, minus the IW, the play is over and the sound of the whistle is only an indication of such. On a try the play technically ends when the ball crosses the crossbar or the kick has definitely failed. And, that is because B has the opportunity to block the kick from crossing the crossbar.

So the correct time to blow the whistle is after the kick is definitely missed. So my reasoning was, why bother. Line blocking will be over and everbody else will be headed toward the bench.
Ed Hickland, MBA, CCP
[email protected]
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